CSSC is a group of Special Schools in Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Halton.
Core BILD PBS members:
Brookfields, Dee Banks, Dorin Park, Greenbank, Hebden Green, Hinderton, Park Lane, The Russett, Rosebank, Springfield
Associate Members:
Adelaide, Oaklands, Cavendish, Chesnut Lodge
Purpose of the group
To provide a collaborative and supportive professional forum for Heads and Senior Leaders of Special Schools in Cheshire West, Cheshire East, Halton and the surrounding areas to meet to share best practice, and to seek advice and support from colleagues, on a range of school issues
To maintain a common PBS Positive Behaviour Policy, updated annually by an external behaviour consultant, together with a rolling programme of professional development for Behaviour Leads and induction training for new staff
To facilitate high quality CPD from external providers delivered locally at an affordable price
To facilitate affordable shared CPD opportunities through shared INSET and staff training where possible
To facilitate shared moderation opportunities for Assessment Leads to discuss best practice in assessment for pupils with Autism, SLD and Complex needs